[NCLUG] anti-spam warfare

Craig, Mike Mike.Craig at us.gambro.com
Thu Nov 16 14:17:15 MST 2000

>  For some reason, my three-letter domain name (swo.com) tends to get alot
> of spam for non-existent users. I'm assuming it's because of folks just
> typing in garbage when they don't want to give their real email.
>  I have a minimal filter in place which sends an error message to the
> sender but I get a bounce if (when) the sender's email doesn't exist. I
> just envisioned a filter which holds the "enemy" MTA hostage while
> it figures out whether or not the sender exists and then releases the
> hostage afterwards - maybe an hour or two if the sender doesn't exist.
>  I'm not in a MTA mood at the moment so I'm just thought I'd throw this
> out
> and see what the masses think. :-)
Heheh...  You have an evil mind, Mike.  I *like* that.  :)

The idea of "holding the MTA hostage" is intriguing.  Have you any thoughts
on how that might be accomplished?  <g>

OTOH, I suspect that tactic might be of questionable legality,
unfortunately; it seems that it could possibly be construed as a DOS attack.
(ObDisclaimer: IANAL.)  

Anyway, it's fun to think about. :)

Mike - amateur BOFH and nana-e habitue.

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