[NCLUG] Hello. . .

Matt Clauson mec at dotorg.org
Thu Mar 1 15:48:05 MST 2001

On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 10:10:20PM +0000, Jeff Elizondo wrote:
> Hello everyone. . .This is my first message out to the group.  I just 
> recently joined the list.  I have a question concerning mail clients.  I've 
> recently been trying to find a stable mail client to use in Gnome (RH 7.0, 
> kernel 2.4.2).  I've tried balsa and cronosII and haven't been too impressed 
> with their features or their stability.  Anyone have any other ideas?  I'm 
> looking for something along the lines of (gasp!) outlook in windoze.  I'll 
> be using the client here at work where we use an exchange server, although 
> I've been connecting to it using pop in Linux.  I'm trying to convince some 
> folks here that Linux is a viable desktop OS, but this is one of the big 
> roadblocks I've run into.  Believe it or not, even though I work for 
> Hewlett-Packard, I can't get a free version of OpenMail!


Balsa, for what I've used it for, isn't too bad.  However, being a) a
text-based diehard and b) wanting to be able to remote-login to my
machine and read mail without needing DSL, I've chosen a text-based
mail-reader: Mutt.  I can connect (via IMAP!  woohoo!) to the local
Exchange server, and I've even written a script to search the LDAP
directory on the Exchange server when I'm looking for local email
addresses.  I still can't use calendaring, but from what I understand,
that's proprietary to Exchange/Outlook anyway.

You don't need graphics to read mail.  Good luck in your quest and
welcome to the group!


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