[NCLUG] slocate.cron error

Daniel Herrington dherr at frii.com
Fri Apr 18 15:33:29 MDT 2003

Anyone seen this error before?  I can't seem to find the same problem on 
google.  Since about two weeks ago, I get an email every morning from 
cron telling me the following:


/etc/cron.daily/slocate.cron: /usr/bin/updatedb: No such file or directory

I've checked /usr/bin/updatedb, and it's a link to /usr/bin/slocate, which appears to exist just fine.  This is a Redhat 7.3 system, IIRC.


Daniel Herrington, Electrical Engineer
Email: dherr at frii.com
Web:   http://www.frii.com/~dherr

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