[NCLUG] FreeBSD versus Linux?

Stephen Queen svq at peakpeak.com
Wed Mar 17 19:28:25 MST 2004

On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Alan Silverstein wrote:

> Could anyone here please give me a brief education on how FreeBSD
> relates to Linux?
> For odd reasons, I went looking for open sources for the old reliable
> "mailx" program.  I found a recent Debian version and got it to compile
> on FreeBSD (at frii.com), but it wasn't easy.  And at runtime it wants
> /usr/libexec/lockspool, which is absent.  Clearly there are some
> disappointing dialect issues here.
> Next I went hunting for a FreeBSD version of mailx.  Well I found the
> very nice www.freebsd.org site, but best I can tell, all it offers is
> the kernel/OS, no commands.  (So where did FRII get their commands
> sources?)
> I'm having no luck finding the "FreeBSD version of mailx", only some
> references to the fact it might exist, as in, "ported their bug fixes
> back."

Here is a good discussion of the differnces.


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