VM vs Static compiles.

Brian Sturgill c.brian.sturgill at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 20:20:32 UTC 2023

Source code and explanation of the benchmarks can be found here:

I've long had an interest in programming languages.
Am currently interested in VM-based ones due to programming ease, but still
having performance.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 11:23 PM Phil Marsh <microcraftx at gmail.com> wrote:

> HI Brian,
> Interesting post. I'm wondering how these benchmarks are run - what
> operations are they measuring?
> I'm messing around with optimizer algorithms running on a 44core old
> server to find solutions for circuit modeling and later will apply them to
> circuit design.
> Really want to look into cluster computing.
> I prefer C++ because it's so old it has a large choice of libraries - e.g.
> Pagmo2 for optimization and Qt for GUI. Intel tbb is good for C++
> multithreading.
> I'd like to look into Rust at some point because it has safe treatment of
> memory.
> So C++ still beats Rust by a small margin?
> Surprising that NodeJS beats Python by such a large multiple.
> If I may, what computational problems are you looking to solve if this is
> more than just satisfying your curiosity?
> Thanks,
> Phil
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 5:18 PM Brian Sturgill <c.brian.sturgill at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Shortly after the meeting officially ended, a group of us were discussing
>> an observation
>> I made that the 4 major VM languages (Java, C#, JavaScript and Dart) are
>> all
>> creating "AOT" versions AOT is Ahead-Of-Time and just means they are
>> statically
>> compiling instead of JITing.
>> There was some disagreement about the speeds of static vs. compiled
>> languages.
>> The following is from:
>> https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/box-plot-summary-charts.html
>> I am looking at the "How many times more CPU seconds" charts.
>> The numbers should be treated as approximate as I'm reading off a box
>> plot.
>> The number for C# is mostly referring to the AOT versions (as they are
>> choosing the fastest).
>> I do not think that AOT compiling is being used for Dart, Java and
>> Node.js.
>> C            1.0
>> C++          1.1
>> Rust         1.2
>> Julia        2
>> C#           2
>> Go           3
>> Swift        3
>> Java         3.5
>> Node.js      4.4
>> Dart         4.5
>> Ruby        30.0
>> Python3     40.0
>> Lua         40.0
>> Perl        45.0
>> Other such benmarks I've seen are similar.
>> Julia and Ruby have made great strides since the last time I was looking.
>> It is impressive that C# is beating Go and Swift.
>> --
>> Brian


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