Looking for a low-power computer to drive two or three 4K monitors

Phil Marsh microcraftx at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 21:27:35 UTC 2024

Could someone advise me? I'm looking for a low energy use computer setup to
drive two or three 4K monitors. Presently, I run a big tower server to do
that but it's from 2014 and eats enough power to keep my office warm - two
E5-2630v2s but it can't compete with my newer server stack for compute
power anyway and I'm thinking of getting a dual EPYC motherboard to upgrade
it for computing if I really need more compute power. In any case, it seems
wasteful to use an old server like this just to drive my 4K monitors.
I tried a Dell laptop XPS 9370 13" with a docking station but found that
while the docking station has two 4K DVI ports, it appears to still be able
to drive a maximum of one 4K monitor. While that's great when I travel (I
typically pack a 4K monitor in my luggage), in my home office I run two 4K
monitors and might even want to run three 4Ks.
I was looking into the Intel NUC machines but does anyone know if they'll
actually drive at least two 4K monitors?
Could you kindly give me your experiences and ideas?
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