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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"><HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=en-us><TITLE>Credit Repair Made Simple by Brian Eichhorn</TITLE><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><meta name=title content="Repair Your Own Credit"></HEAD><BODY ALINK=#000099 LINK=#000099 VLINK=#000099><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 VALIGN=top ALIGN=center width=600><TR><TD> <a href=#DISCLAIMER> <font color=#FF0000 size=2>DISCLAIMER</font></a></TD></TR><TR><TD> <IMG SRC=HTTP:// width=600 height=39></TD></TR><TR><TD BACKGROUND=HTTP:// WIDTH=600><TABLE WIDTH=543 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 VALIGN=top ALIGN=center><TR><TD width=541><p align=center> <p><center><b><font face=Verdana color=#000099 size=5>CREDIT REPAIR SECRETS EXPOSED</font></b><p><img src="HTTP://"></P><p><b><font face=Verdana size=4 color=#000099>DO NOT PAY SOMEONE TO REPAIR YOUR CREDIT UNTIL YOU <u><i> <a href=>READ THIS BOOK</a></i></u>! </font><font face=Verdana size=4 color=#FFCC00><br> </font></b></center> <hr><p align=center><b><font size=4 face=Verdana color=#000099>"It is estimated that over 1/3 of all credit reports contain errors that may cause a loan application to be denied."</font></b></p><center><p align=center><b><u><i><a href=><font size=5 face=Verdana color=#000099>Credit Repair Made Simple</font></a></i></u></b><p align=center><font face=Verdana size=3>The <b>Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair Book</b> by <a href="#About the Author"> <font color=#000099> Brian Eichhorn</font></a></font></center><p> </TD></TR><TR> <TD><p align=center> <i><b><font face=Verdana><u> <a href=><font size=5 color=#FF0000>Order Now!!</font></a></u> <font size=5 color=#000099> Only $12.95 plus shipping.</font></font></b></i></p><table ALIGN=center><tr><td><ul><li><font face=Verdana><b>What is a credit report?</b></li><li><b>What factors determine my credit score?</b></li><li><b>How do I remove derogatory items from my credit report?</b></li><li><b>Why do lenders use my credit score to qualify me for a loan?</b></li><li><b>What do I need to know about cosigning for someone?</b></li><li><b>How does divorce affect my credit?</b></li><li><b>How do I read my credit report?</b></li><li><b>How can I start repairing my credit?</b></li><li><b>What should I say in my letters to the credit bureaus?</b></li><li><b>How do I negotiate my debts?</b></li><li><b>What are my rights?</b></li></ul><p align=center><i><b>and much, much more.</b></i></font> </td><td><p align=center><font face=Verdana> <a href=> <img border=1 src=HTTP:// width=197 height=304></a></font></p><p align=center><b><font size=2 face=Verdana>ISBN: 0-9700607-0-x</font></b></p></td></tr><tr><td align=left><p align=center> </td><td align=left><b><font size=2 face=Verdana><center>126 Pages</center></font></b></td></tr></table><p align=center><br> <i><b><font face=Verdana> <a href=><font size=5 color=#FF0000>Order Now!!</font></a> <font size=5 color=#000099> Only $12.95 plus shipping.</font></b></i></p><p align=center> </p></TD></TR><TR> <TD> <hr><p align=center><b><font face=Verdana size=5><a name="About the Author"><font color=#000099><i><u>About the Author</u></i></font></a></font></b></p><div align=center><center><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td width=336><p align=center> <img border=0 src=HTTP:// width=336 height=261 align=top><br> <font face=Verdana size=2>Author Brian Eichhorn signs copies of "Credit Repair Made Simple" at a recent book signing at Books-A-Million.</font></p></td><td valign=top width=10></td><td valign=top><font face=Verdana>Brian Eichhorn graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a BS in Economics. After managing one of the most successful mortgage firms in Savannah, GA, he saw a need to help people improve their own credit. He realizes bankruptcy and other debt repayment plans are not always the best options, and that people have the power to improve their own credit. </font></td></tr></table></center></div> <hr><p align=center><i><b><font face=Verdana> <a href=><font size=5 color=#FF0000>Order Now!!</font></a><font size=5 color=#000099> Only $12.95 plus shipping.</font></b></i></p><center><p align=center><font face=Verdana><i>Tips on improving your credit report, credit repair sample letters, and how to receive a free credit report.</i></font></center></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD> <IMG SRC=HTTP:// width=600 height=41></TD></TR><TR><TD> <font size=2 face=Verdana color=#FF0000><a name=DISCLAIMER> DISCLAIMER</a>: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. We have obtained your email address from an opt-in list broker. We do not want to continue sending you email if you do not want to receive it. All remove requests will be honored immediately. Please <a href=> click here to opt-out of future mailings</a>. We apologize for any inconvenience.</font></TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>