I have not done any video capturing, but i have done some video editing on existing files. I have used Cinelerra <http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3> and Avidemux <http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/>. Both are good editing programs for linux.<br>
<-----Original Message-----> <br>
From: Benson Chow<br>
Sent: 9/10/2003 4:37:01 PM<br>
To: nclug@nclug.org<br>
Subject: Re: [NCLUG] Linux video questions<br>
I've been playing with vid cap for a little while. Currently I'm using an<br>
older BrookTree 878-based PCI video capture card, and I have to admit that<br>
its quality is only 'acceptable'. Sound, I use my on-board audio, I'm<br>
sure this is much better than the crappy audio provided by my card (which is<br>
monural only). I hear that ATI older (Radeon) AIW's with their vid cap<br>
devices work, but I haven't tried them. Even older AIWs (Rage and Mach<br>
based) have bt848 devices so they would definately work.<br>
My current video solution is using this card and using the<br>
mencoder/mplayer suite for recording/playback, and using wine/virtualdub<br>
(GNU Win32 app) for editing, with appropriate codec (using libavcodec with<br>
mencoder, which seems to work with the free DivX bundle 5.0.5 that's<br>
needed for virtualdub/wine). Not perfect, definately, but it seems to<br>
work okay. I haven't found any good native video editing software yet.<br>
I don't see why virtual dub won't be ported to linux sometime, other than<br>
the 1000000s of microsoft-isms necessary in VD.<br>
Also I had a lot of issues with the bt848 driver with my KT133 card.<br>
Don't use video capture cards on any Via KT133 boards or older - You'll<br>
get crashes due to hardware bugs. Also, mencoder basically used up all<br>
CPU cycles on an athlon 850MHz CPU encoding 30FPS, 640x480. Even my<br>
P4-2.4GHz can't seem to playback and record a 640x480 stream<br>
simulataneously without dropping frames (??? something seems wrong here.)<br>
X11, PCI/AGP, and IDE traffic all become issues when working with video,<br>
so you'll need ot make sure all are performing fast.<br>
Dunno anything about firewire, or about the editing suite that was made<br>
specifically for some video cameras (there are some tools available for<br>
one JVC I think, and it can do editing as well).<br>
hope this starts off your search, and maybe someone else can answer some<br>
issues. I've not been able to compile mencoder/mplayer with sse2, maybe<br>
that could speed things up, else this p4 is just slow. Anyone else have<br>
suggestions for "good linux software"?<br>
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