[nclug-jobs] Jobs at NVIDIA

Stephen Warren swarren at wwwdotorg.org
Tue Feb 8 11:12:23 MST 2011

NVIDIA is hiring for a wide variety of jobs. One such example, within my 
team, is detailed below.

I work in the Linux graphics team, which covers both desktop GPUs (x86 
Linux) and now parts of our Tegra Linux (ARM system-on-chip) support.

Feel free to come and talk to me about NVIDIA at NCLUG, hacking society, 

In general though, we are hiring for a large number of positions across 
the board; see http://careers.nvidia.com/. Note that most of the jobs 
are listed as being in Santa Clara (our main office), but I think in 
general that's simply because that's our head office, and hence the 
default location. We maintain a variety of field offices throughout the 
US, including one in Fort Collins, and I believe one in Boulder.

I've been told that the best way to apply is to read through the list on 
the website, and apply online for perhaps 2-4 jobs specific to your 
interests. You can list me as referring you if you feel generous. If I 
know you, I can then fill in HR on your background etc.


Title: Linux Graphics Software Engineer

NVIDIA is searching for world-class software engineers to join the 
NVIDIA Linux graphics driver team.  Successful candidates will be driven 
and have a passion for graphics on Linux.  They will have strong C 
programming skills, great problem solving abilities, a thorough 
understanding of UNIX systems programming, a command of 2D and 3D 
graphics concepts, and excellent communication skills.

Successful candidates will work within a team of world-class engineers 
to develop software for the latest cutting-edge NVIDIA GPUs and pioneer 
the future of Linux graphics.  Their code will enable a wide spectrum of 
users including scientific visualization, Hollywood production studios, 
game enthusiasts, educational institutions, and Linux desktop, notebook, 
and handheld users.

Please send resumes to hr at nvidia.com


- The candidate should have 3+ years experience developing
    software for Linux or UNIX and be very strong in C.

- 3+ years experience writing low level software, have experience
    writing OpenGL applications, and be familiar with 3D graphics

- Have experience working on large and complex pieces of software
    and have strong debugging skills.

- Knowledge of x86 architecture and graphics driver experience,
    especially OpenGL driver experience, is a plus.

- BS or equivalent.

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