[NCLUG] Mmmmm. . .Games for Linux. . .Mmmmm

Neil Doane caine at valinux.com
Fri Apr 20 13:40:01 MDT 2001

* Michael Dwyer (mdwyer at sixthdimension.com) on [04-20-01 11:58] did utter:
> ObOnSubject:  Hrm... I cannot fathom buying games for Linux.  That's not
> what my Linux box is for.  

My Linux box if for everything I do. :)  

Linux works quite well for games and there is a growing assortment of games
for Linux.  Occasionally it is irritating to wait for new games to be ported
to Linux, however that's changing with titles like Jagged Alliance 2:
Unfinished Business, which will be released at the same time that Interplay
releases the Windows version.  I still occasionally game on my Wintendo
partition when the title I want to play doesn't exist for Linux at all, but
if the title is available for Linux, why not use it instead?


       . /._ o /     --personal="caine at antediluvian.org" 
      /|//- / /     --business="caine at valinux.com"
     / ''- / /__   --homepage="http://antediluvian.org/"
~~ http://angryflower.com/bobsqu.gif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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