Not Code Red, was Re: [NCLUG] error message
Mark C. Smith
markcs at CS.ColoState.EDU
Tue Aug 7 14:36:29 MDT 2001
AAHH!! They wouldn't even *start* to believe that it was their
fault b/c they knew I run linux. I made the mistake of telling
them that a couple of weeks ago and now they have it on their
record. Anyone know a good dsl provider?
Mark c. Smith Markcs at CS.ColoState.EDU
Dept. Computer Science http://WWW.CS.ColoState.EDU/~markcs
Colorado State University (970)491-5305 (work)
On Aug 7, 2001, John E. Jones wrote the following with Subject "RE: Not...:
->Yep, I even called them and told them what server it was coming from...
->-----Original Message-----
->From: nclug-admin at [mailto:nclug-admin at]On Behalf Of
->Mark C. Smith
->Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:25 PM
->To: nclug at
->Subject: Re: Not Code Red, was Re: [NCLUG] error message
->I'm using @Home (unfortunately) and gotten so much traffic from
->Code Red that my dhcp requests time out before getting any info.
->from the server. Anyone else had this problem?
->Mark c. Smith Markcs at CS.ColoState.EDU
->Dept. Computer Science http://WWW.CS.ColoState.EDU/~markcs
->Colorado State University (970)491-5305 (work)
->On Aug 6, 2001, Benson Chow wrote the following with Subject "Not Code
->->Being on a pretty populated subnet full of poorly secured machines, I've
->->been getting one heck of a lot of code red and code red 2 attacks. I
->->don't even want to speculate how many I would get on my @home connection.
->->I'm up to 154 Code Red II's and 138 Code Red 1's on my dynamic, single
->->IP DSL this past 4 weeks. I'm sure there are more from people who are on
->->cablemodem but this is quite bad IMHO... (but it's fun scripting to count
->->On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Bryan Stillwell wrote:
->->> Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 17:13:13 -0600
->->> From: Bryan Stillwell <bryan at>
->->> Subject: Re: [NCLUG] error message
->->> Now this month is a different story, I've had 85 attempts on my co-lo
->->> server for code red 2, and 113 attempts for the first code red.
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