[NCLUG] cassettes to CDs

J. Paul Reed preed at sigkill.com
Tue Aug 21 15:55:56 MDT 2001

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Daniel Herrington wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good Linux-based tool to record via the soundcard
> and write mp3's to CD that is simple and intuitive?  And by the way, how
> about an easy-to-use wav recorder?  I tried Sound-Studio, but it gives an
> error when I try to save a recorded file... something about sox not
> taking the "-r" option when both input file and output file are the same
> rate.

This is *one* type of software that I can find no good Linux-substitute
for, even for simple cut/paste sound sample editing.

I've used SoundStudio and EcaWave, which both really sucked, interface-wise
and feature-wise.

I haven't used Audacity, but you might try it; in fact, there are a couple
of packages I haven't used which showed up on a Freshmeat search.


One thing to beware of when downloading these packages: many of them
require external packages to do the actual editing... SoundStudio wants
sox, EcaWave wants the EcaSound libraries, and on and on...

   J. Paul Reed               preed at sigkill.com || web.sigkill.com/preed
   It's amazing what a little brain damage will do for your credibility.
                                              -- Leonard Shelby, Memento

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