[NCLUG] RFC: draft of press release -- comments from another side
mike cullerton
michaelc at cullerton.com
Fri Feb 9 14:47:18 MST 2001
on 2/9/01 2:22 PM, John L. Bass at jbass at dmsd.com wrote:
> Can you provide some specific examples and propose ways we could change
> it to make it better?
> Sean
> Frankly, any negative reference to the BSA actions or it's member companies in
> this context sets a flawed moral basis that is difficult to defend.
Here, Here!
i was surprised at the tone of the original attempt. it reminds me of a
feeling i got at last months green party meeting that echoed the sentiment a
lot of my liberal friends are feeling right now. the tone was more negative
and against something rather than positive and for something. it's better to
stand for something positive than against something negative. (is someone
with a math degree even allowed to say that)
anyway, don't get me wrong. i think the BSA's actions are vulgar, and should
be stopped. i just think y'all aught to be wearin' the white hats!
> It would be better to issue a press release that suggests that many small
> businesses
> and individuals (that don't need specific Win platform games or other
> software) can
> use Linux, Star Office, and other PD/GPL tools. Offering to have NCLUG
> technologists
> install a configuration that require no GURU maintence would go a long way to
> counter
> MS camp claims against Linux. Maybe KRUD could be tweeked to have a non-admin
> varient,
> including star office - and use that release as the basis of the PR thrust.
> Maybe
> combined with Tummy.Com services for small businesses.
nice :)
> John
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-- mike cullerton
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