[NCLUG] Why one group per user and SGID home dirs

Sean Reifschneider jafo at tummy.com
Wed Feb 21 00:07:00 MST 2001

On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 05:22:29PM -0700, Matt Taggart wrote:
>They also work on a project together, in /project. They have another group, 
>which they both belong to, and all the files in /project use that GID. There 

Why is having your home directory sgid better than having the /project
directory sgid?  It feels to me like it would be better to have the shared
location sgid than having everyone's home directories sgid...  At least
that's the way I do it.

 A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human
 history -- with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.
                 -- Mitch Ratcliffe
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo at tummy.com>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

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