Wireless networking [was Re: [NCLUG] Re: Sean's Social Hacking]

thorson at aster.com thorson at aster.com
Mon Jan 22 00:19:47 MST 2001

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Sean Reifschneider wrote:

> Knock it all you want, the WebGear cards have served me well for the last
> year or so.  It was worse when we had 5 stations on at the new office (before
> we got the 100Mbps wiring in), but even then it was usable the majority of the
> time.  With Evelyn and I on the net at home, it's fairly rare that we run into
> any problems.

I have to concur with Sean.  I only share the air with my daughter.  We
share internet connection and she prints on my printer.  Never has there
been any problems or need for more speed.  I think you could nicely
support a few more machines on a net for these purposes.  I think you
could probably even play each other in a nice game of quake.

Now if you if you want to nfs mount disk partitions and remotely display
XWindow stuff then forget it.  Once in a while it's painful but Ok.


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