[NCLUG] Internet Start-up, Open Source

Michael Lewis mlewis at exasource.com
Tue May 29 12:29:30 MDT 2001

We would like to talk to some developers who have open source experience, 
specifically with Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, and PHP. We are in the process 
of founding an Internet start-up company and would be interested in talking 
to anyone who's interests lie in this area. We already have a web / 
database architect, a search engine positioning consultant, a marketing 
executive with extensive contacts and have also established a strategic 
alliance with an ISP to assist us with our infrastructure needs. We would 
be interested in talking to a couple of developers and a good systems / 
network administrator to become part of the team in this effort.

The initial site will consist of 3 forms, 4reports, search features, HTML, 
javascripts and an automated billing and accounting system. Other features 
will be added soon after launch. We are attempting to do this by self 
funding, thus eliminating the sacrifice of the large portion of equity 
required by the VC community. We do, however, have VC contacts that have 
indicated interest in funding the concept.

Existing companies in the area we are targeting have not only survived the 
.com collapse but are actually growing and thriving, and our twist will 
give us a big competitive edge, as well as a multi billion dollar market 

Interested parties may call Michael Lewis at 970-206-4556 or reply by email 
to mlewis at exasource.com

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