[NCLUG] openssh

J. Paul Reed preed at sigkill.com
Tue Jan 15 10:49:49 MST 2002

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, nclug wrote:

> We've seen a few "intrusions" lately on some of our client's machines
> also with similar hiddens.  Do you know of any good way to find all
> of the files and directories that have been hidden?

With the stupider rootkits, you can use the following perl hack to look at
/proc directly (instead of using a possibly compromised ps); if you don't
like it, don't blame me... I didn't write it. :-)

The really good root kits will alter /proc, but it's a nice way to verify
what ps says if something seems amiss...

#! /usr/bin/perl
opendir(D, '/proc');
while (defined ($_ = readdir(D))) {
    next unless /^\d+$/;
    open(F, "/proc/$_/cmdline") || next;
    local($/) = "\0";
    $did = 0;
    while (defined ($l = <F>)) {
        print "$_: " unless $did++;
        print $l;
    print "$_: (none)" unless $did;
    print "\n";

    J. Paul Reed            preed at sigkill.com || web.sigkill.com/preed
    What's the point in being nuts if you can't have a little fun?
                                   -- John Nash, Jr., A Beautiful Mind

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