[NCLUG] Error messages from "make html_docs" for OTB in Deb 2.2
Sivea Key
siveakey at attbi.com
Tue Jul 16 10:09:10 MDT 2002
I have applied to the Debian list at Programmers Heaven and the list for the
software package, OTB, without success. On Aaron's advice, I have also
checked to make sure ncurses was installed. It was. Strangely, Mike was able
to get these same docs to compile on ONE install he did at home. We don't
know why and have been unable to repeat it on my boxes. Because of the size
of the doc files and the antiquity of the machines we've been using, we
aren't able to sneaker-wear these babies to my test lab. I really need these
docs! HELP!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sivea Key" <siveakey at attbi.com>
To: "Debian List" <debian-user at lists.debian.org>;
<otbreflector at list.onesaf.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: [OTBReflector] Error messages (and all the other stuff) from "make
html_docs" for OTB
> Thanks for the advice and patience you folks have shown. Now that Bob has
> instructed me on the RIGHT way to save the problems to a file, even I can
> see we have a C compiling problem. What I have no idea about is how to
> to troubleshoot/fix it.
> BTW, for non-Linux users on the OTB list, this is a .txt from Debian and
> won't have the carriage returns. Bear with me. I haven't managed to
convert it with todos, yet.
> Thanks, all!
> Sivea
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