[NCLUG] Help needed with DLT tape drive.

Erich mojo_head at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 5 09:42:40 MDT 2002

Hello all.  Does anyone have experience running backups
with to DLT tape under 7.x?  (We mainly use KRUD distro's
(THANKS!!) but I did not install this machine and it is a
quad proc running RH SMP - not sure if KRUD or not).

We have several Dell PowerVault 7000 autoloaders each with
a Quantum 7000 DLT drive in it.  I have both HVD and LVD
scsi 'versions'.  Currently, I am wrestling with the HVD
drive.   Using 'mt' I can rewind/erase tapes.  It does not
seem the 'tar' or 'dump' will write to the tape.  Dump asks
if I want to overwrite, I say yes, and it throws more
errors.  Something just ain't right.  Any suggestions?

Thanks -

Erich Hennig

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