[NCLUG] "red hat - the new redmond?" comment from mainstream online media

Idris S Hamid ishamid at attbi.com
Sat Sep 7 17:15:16 MDT 2002

> Idris> Fact2: The German version of RH carried KDE before the change
> Idris> in the QT. license, _in spite of_ free-software concerns.
> I would dispute this "fact".
> Since this is ancient history redhat seem to have removed the page
> that would prove this. ;(
> Take a look at:
> http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-1998-11/lw-11-skinny2.html
> Which seems to imply it was "scoop" from linuxworld that broke the
> story about german redhat shipping KDE, and he retracted his comments
> in that article. He points to:
> http://www.redhat.com/redhat/qtlicense.html
> which redhat has removed and I can't seem to find a copy of.
> I think what happened is someone took the german redhat and added kde
> and released it. It wasn't an "offical" redhat. So I think your facts
> are wrong. :) I seem to remember this when it came out...

I guess the issue is open for good journalistic research. Feel free to 
privately email me if you find out anything more.

Dr. Idris S Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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