[NCLUG] Linux Jobs around Ft. C?
DJ Eshelman
dj at sgc-inc.net
Tue Jul 29 17:33:31 MDT 2003
Greetings everyone,
sorry I've been so distant lately (not that I was _really_ contributing all
that much :) ).
I've come off a contract recently and am once again looking for work around
I recently went to a job interview of a position (I won't say what company)
that wanted both Microsoft and 'unix' experience.
Well, maybe it was a bit forward to wear a polo adorning Tux to this
interview, but I found that they had no real desire for anything other than
M$; as they were a 'development partner' and therefore completely into
the 'no linux is good linux' kind of thing. So obviously I didn't get the
job. In fact it was kind of insulting- I told the person interviewing me
that I didn't have as much hands on experience with M$ Exchange because
I've always either used or been in companies using SendMail, Procmail or
something similar.
The person then proceeded to start asking me basic level questions (one of
which was intertaining- he asked me how you can set up two mail servers
with only one external IP address using NAT in your firewall. I described
the process of using internal DNS and such; no need to go into detail here,
you all know what I'm talking about, and anyway he proceeded to tell me
that it in fact couldn't be done without two seperate external IP addresses.
That lead, of course to an equally insulting basic Q and A involving him
asking me what is needed to do 'file sharing' between PCs and... well, take
a wild guess what happened there.
So I'm actually a bit glad I didn't get this exact job, however, I'm
starting to wonder if I'm going to have to move elsewhere in the state or
to another state altogether in order to find a company that wants a linux
admin (no engineering or anything fancy- just a frickin mid-level admin)
and is actually willing to pay more than $12 an hour...
So my question is simply- am I dreaming or is it possible out here? I'm
just hoping I don't have to get my MCSE (hisssss) just to get a job in Fort
thanks for the input as always gents.
Oh, and as far as SCO- maybe just an object lesson that no matter
how 'free' everything gets, someone always wants something for nothing,
especially when their business is failing and someone else's isn't...
-DJ Eshelman
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