[NCLUG] Re: [lug] ANN: CLUE InstallFest, 07 May

bill ehlert ehlert_b at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 18:13:38 MDT 2005

--- Crawford Rainwater
<crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.net> wrote:
> Folks:
> Just a month in advance reminder.  CLUE will be
> hosting an InstallFest
> on Saturday, 07 May at DeVry University's

**  uh  - - -  you mean a  WEEK's  advance
    reminder . . . ?

> Westminster Campus (1870 West
> 122nd Avenue, Westminster, CO 80234) in room
> 341 from 10AM to 4PM.
> Monitors, keyboards, mice, network cables, and
> power will be available,
> as well ast both wired and wireless network
> access.
> No food or drink (other than in capped bottles)
> is permitted in the lab.
> There is a student commons just down the
> corridor, so if you want to
> bring a lunch, or order out, you can eat there.
> If you're an experienced hand at Linux, this is
> a great opportunity to
> help others get their Linux boxen up and
> running, and ditch Windoze.
> Distros to be provided for others to copy
> include recent versions of
> SuSE, CentOS, Fedora, Knoppix, Ubuntu, and
> Gentoo.  Others can be
> provided upon request (please email me
> directly...if I can find it, I
> will attempt to bring it).  CD-R's will be
> available on site for a 
> reasonable fee as well for copies of distros.
> Hope to see everyone there!
> --- Crawford
> CLUE-North Coordinator/Lackie ;-)


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