[NCLUG] apt-get error code

Chad Perrin perrin at apotheon.com
Mon Apr 17 01:30:18 MDT 2006

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 01:18:38AM -0600, dann frazier wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 09:35:36PM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> > subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
> > 
> > What the heck does this mean?  More to the point -- how do I fix it?  It
> > seems to have completely wedged the entire apt system.  It won't do crap
> > as long as that problem exists.  Using force and fix options doesn't
> > seem to help at all.
> > 
> > The package that's wedging the system is kdebluetooth (a KDE package,
> > color me surprised).  Google's no help to me, unless I'm searching
> > "wrong".  The apt and dpkg documentation doesn't seem to have anything
> > helpful to say about error codes.
> The failing script should be /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdebluetooth.postrm -
> take a look at it & see if you can figure out why its failing. 

Thanks for the response.

Actually, just a little while ago, I decided to try making backup copies
of /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdebluetooth* followed by deleting them.  I
figured it was worth a try.  The end result was that apt-get threw an
error but worked again anyway.  Thereafter, everything has been kosher.

It looks like what happened is something like this:

Because this was a Debian install from a Knoppix CD that defaulted to
including some now nonexistent repositories in sources.list, the
information in some of the /var/lib/dpkg/info files no longer matched
the reality of what was available in the repositories, and the apt
system wasn't able to reconcile it with the still-extant repositories.

Thanks for your information.  If I hadn't figured it out shortly before
I got your email, I'm sure that would have been the deciding factor in
solving it.

Chad Perrin [ CCD CopyWrite | http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
"There comes a time in the history of any project when it becomes necessary
to shoot the engineers and begin production." - MacUser, November 1990

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