[NCLUG] Fedora 6 and the RaLink rt2500 wireless card

David Braley davbraley at comcast.net
Sun Dec 10 14:43:21 MST 2006

Chad Perrin wrote:
> . . . unless your OS has a software management system that provides
> decent support for installation from source.  I'm pretty sure that
> Debian (via "apt-get source" et cetera), Gentoo, and FreeBSD will manage
> that sort of thing for you when installing from source, and upgrading
> kernels, via their default software management systems.

Debian actually has a file in their repository for the rt2500 card in
source form only. I remember (but my memory is notoriously poor) reading
that Debian would somehow manage the drivers during kernel updates if I
used the driver source from the official Debian repository. Also, this
source file for the rt2500 that deb has is only in testing or
experimental. Nothing in stable, yet. I usually install testing anyway.


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