[NCLUG] Jimmy Wales visit . . . ?

Chad Perrin perrin at apotheon.com
Tue Jul 18 11:03:55 MDT 2006

Jimmy Wales (founder of the Wikimedia Foundation, co-creator of
Wikipedia) will be in the Denver area on the 24th.  Depending on how his
schedule shapes up, he may be able to put in an appearance for NCLUG
sometime around that date and, if things work out, he says he'd be
interested in doing so.  I know that's not the normal week for an NCLUG
meeting, but maybe somewhere betwixt NCLUG and Hacking Society we could
arrange something.

I've seen some reference to Denver area LUGs.  If it's not reasonable to
arrange something via NCLUG and/or Hacking Society, maybe a Denver LUG
would be more appropriate.  I'd appreciate information here about how to
proceed in that direction, so I can pass it on to Jimbo at least.

Also . . . he's indicated that he might be interested in simply
arranging a Campaigns Wikia Meetup.  Check out the URL for the wiki page
if that sounds interesting to you:


CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
"There comes a time in the history of any project when it becomes necessary
to shoot the engineers and begin production." - MacUser, November 1990

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