[NCLUG] local end-user support

DJ Eshelman djsbignews at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 10:37:35 MST 2007

I'd hoped you'd catch my sarcasm there.

Actually in the last 3 years I've led a business model of 'work ourselves
out of a job' at the majority of my clients, which has oddly enough worked.
I've gone from literally needing to spend 40 hours at one clinic, down to
about 7 hours a month (yes, I said month) by fine tuning things to that
point and teaching their users to be more self-sufficient.
It defies logic, but since starting this approach, we've taken on 5
additional high-end customers and I'm guessing we're on our way to crack 2
million in revenue this year...  not that I see much of that personally,
mind you, but it's not bad for a little three person shop that doesn't
charge enough for our services.

have a good weekend everyone!


On Nov 13, 2007 2:21 PM, John L. Bass <jbass at dmsd.com> wrote:

> Chad Perrin <perrin at apotheon.com> writes:
> > On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 04:50:44PM -0700, DJ Eshelman wrote:
> > >
> > > I always think of the medical clinics I support that call me every
> day.  If
> > > their applications had been programmed on Linux, I can pretty much
> guarantee
> > > they wouldn't have the issues that they often call me with.
> > >
> > > But hey... it keeps the paycheck steady, so why rock the boat, right?
> >
> > Rock the boat because you want to spend more time adding value to your
> > clients' businesses than simply bailing water.
> Probably more like deciding to bail a different ocean.
> John
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