[NCLUG] Free to good home: olden UNIX (and some other) stuff

David Howland david.howland at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 16:50:51 MDT 2007

Aaron D. Johnson wrote:

I'm definitely interested in the HP "Gecko" and a few of the fiber nics
(quantity depends on if others take them or not). I'd hate to see the
Indigo go to waste. My roomie and I had one in our dorm room freshman
year and I've currently got 3 (2 working) Indy's. If no one else claims
it it's got a good home here.

I'm still a full time student in the evenings so NCLUG meeting
attendance is always up in the air. If nothing else I can drive up on a
weekend to pick things up. I'll get a better idea closer to October's
> Hi, folks.
> I've got a bunch of old boxes that I've lost interest in keeping
> around.  If they don't escape to someone else's care soon, they're
> going to wind up riddled with bullet holes the next time I go out to
> relieve stress.  If anyone has an interest in any of this stuff,
> please drop me a line before the October NCLUG meeting.  
> Stuff I can remember off the top of my head (there are
> more, and I've also got a number of piles of old PC cases, hard
> drives, and monitors, and other such stuff)
> * SGI Iris Indigo (not an Indy or Indigo2)
>   I'm pretty sure this one has the R3000 CPU
>   High-end graphics option
>   Unknown quantity RAM
>   NetBSD or OpenBSD should run on it, Linux won't. (last I checked)
>   Not sure about its disk drive situation -- I think I've got at
>     least one drive on the proper sled inside
>   An AUI transceiver might be needed for an Ethernet connection
>     (I should have a few in a box somewhere)
>   I think I've got the keyboard and mouse for it.
> * SGI 21 inch CRT fixed-frequency monitor
>   (for the Indigo)
>   nifty remote control included
> * SUN SPARCstation IPC
>   32Mbytes of RAM (I think, maybe 36)
>   Unknown hard drive situation, uses normal (ancient) 50-pin single
>     ended SCSI disks
>   An AUI transceiver might be needed for an Ethernet connection
>     (I should have a few in a box somewhere)
>   I think I've got the keyboard and mouse for it.
> * SUN 21 inch CRT fixed-frequency monitor
>   Should work with the above mentioned SPARCstation IPC
> * HP 9000 712 (Gecko)
>   60MHz PA7100 CPU
>   Runs Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD
>   Unknown quantity RAM
>   Should work with normal VGA monitors
>   Unknown hard drive situation, uses normal (ancient) 50-pin single
>     ended SCSI disks
> * (maybe) one HP9000 D class server
>   D300 series, but specific model unknown
> * Qty 2: HP 9000/4##t workstations
>   Not sure if these have the 50MHz 68030 CPU or 25 or 33MHz 68040 CPU
>   BIG case, guaranteed to consume unreasonable amounts of floor space
>   unknown quantity RAM
>   unknown disk situtation
>   Will run ancient ancient HP-UX or Apollo's DomainOS
>   Matching keyboards and mice
>   An AUI transceiver might be needed for an Ethernet connection
>     (I should have a few in a box somewhere)
> * Okidata ML591 24 pin dot matrix printer
>   Parallel interface
>   Wide carriage
>   Multi-part form capable
>   Ribbons are still readily available
> * PC Power and Cooling "Solid Steel Tower"
>   PC Power and Cooling ATX power supply (long forgotten wattage)
>   Abit BP6 and 2 Socket370 Celerons installed
>   10 5.25inch disk drive bays
>   Black
> * Macintosh Centris something (maybe a Quadra)
>   unknown quantity RAM
>   unknown disk situtation
> * Some sort of Apple Laserwriter printer
>   Appletalk interface
> * IBM twinax connected green screen terminal
> * Lots of 1000baseSX (Gigabit Ethernet over fiber optic) NICs.
> * A good amount of other stuff, the exact nature of which has been
>   long since garbage collected.  I'll have to rummage through the
>   garage and take stock.
> No warrantees, guarantees, blah, blah, blah.  If it doesn't work, you
> get to keep both pieces.  Deliveries can be made to tomorrow's NCLUG
> or next month's meeting.  (Else the bullet holes will be happening the
> second or third weekend in October.)  Pickups can be arranged, after
> work hours or on a weekend.  Stuff is located in Greeley, near the
> university.  Please send replies directly to me.
> - Aaron
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