Linux World domination (was Re: [NCLUG] PC for Linux (Ubuntu))

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Fri Oct 3 10:16:25 MDT 2008

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 19:29:15 -0600
bwood at (Brian Wood) wrote:

> Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > Not sure, but you might mean the statement from the defendant in the
> > case, "doctor" Pinero:
> > 
> > "It is true that Amalgamated has lost business through my
> > activities, but that is the natural result of my discovery, which
> > has made their policies as obsolete as the bow and arrow. If an
> > injunction is granted on that ground, I shall set up a
> > coal-oil-lamp factory, and then ask for an injunction against the
> > Edison and General Electric companies to forbid them to manufacture
> > incandescent bulbs."
> Close, very close. I seem to recall there was a statement to the
> effect that just because you have made a profit from the public in
> the past, the government is not obligated to ensure that you continue
> to do so. I thought I recalled the buggy whip analogy, though I may be
> mis-remembering the oil lamp line.
> Dang, getting old, memory failing, and I can't find my copy...

I forgot about this post, but noticed my copy of "The past through
tomorrow" the other night, and looked up the story... 

I think this is the quote you were meaning from the judge in the case: 

"Very well. Arrange the details between you. The temporary injunction
is lifted, and Dr. Pinero must not be molested in the pursuit of his
business. Decision on the petition for permanent injunction is reserved
without prejudice pending the accumulation of evidence. Before we leave
this matter I wish to comment on the theory implied by you, Mr. Weems,
when you claimed damage to your client. There has grown up in the minds
of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or
corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years,
the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing
such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances
and contrary to public interest. This strange doctrine is not supported
by statute nor common law. Neither individuals nor corporations have
any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be
stopped, or turned back."

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