Fort Collins Python User Group (was Re: [NCLUG] Python Rox)

Chad Perrin perrin at
Mon Oct 20 14:54:59 MDT 2008

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 12:49:41PM -0600, Goodman,Darrin wrote:
> Bad news.  I regret that I am not available on the evening of Thursday, October 30th.  I am the president of my neighborhood's HOA and we are holding our annual board meeting on that night... which I cannot miss.  Since I'm the guy opening up the classroom for the Python group, I kind of need to be here for the session...

That's good for me, since I would probably not be able to make it
Thursday, either.

> Other alternatives are Monday (10/27), Tuesday (10/28) and Friday (10/31), although Jim mentioned that Friday is Halloween, so that might not be the best choice of days.  Also, other possibilities are the evenings of Monday (11/3), Thursday (11/6), and Friday (11/7).

My preference would definitely be for Monday or Tuesday, the 27th or 28th
of this month.  I personally wouldn't be able to make it on Friday,
unless circumstances really surprise me, and November's *always* bad for
me (as is late December, naturally).  Of course, I'm just one observer,
so the needs of instructors, et cetera, must take precedence.

> Also, do we want to shoot for a 7:00-whenever evening time-frame in order to give folks a chance to grab dinner (ahead of time), or would you rather do 6:00-whenever?

Either's fine by me, I guess.

Chad Perrin [ content licensed PDL: ]
Paul Graham: "SUVs are gross because they're the solution to a gross
problem. (How to make minivans look more masculine.)"
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