[NCLUG] Re: Linux World domination (was "Re: NCLUG Digest...", etc.)

Scott Kleihege scottkly at frii.com
Fri Sep 19 15:40:09 MDT 2008

John Bass wrote:
 > It's pretty obvious when you raise this point tongue in cheek, and
 > acknowledge "that is not the issue", the real issue is to present to
 > your readers the assertion that I'm already a bad guy for taking an
 > unpopular position. The effect, combined with your false assertion that
 > I don't support Linux (my statement of support for Linux was/is a lie)
 > is character assassination to support your position.

You made the claim to be a "Linux supporter".  My bringing up your position 
on the SCO fiasco, was to counter that claim.  If one admires Linux based on 
it's technical merits alone, without supporting, at least in theory, the 
larger goal of software freedom, I would call them a "Linux user", but not a 

You may support free (as in beer) software, but you don't support free (as 
in freedom) software, at least not in this sense:

Support "2 a (1): to promote the interests or cause of (2): to uphold or 
defend as valid or right : advocate <supports fair play> (3): to argue or 
vote for <supported the motion to lower taxes>"
[ http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/support ]

 >> To be pendantic, I think you mean "there", not "their".
 > Which we all know is a violation of etiquette, simply attempting to
 > belittle.**

Belittle, eh?  Are you saying my attempt to make a humorous and ironic 
breach of etiquette is on par with your belittling attitude towards me?

"Assumptions can be very misleading ..."
"You are very confused if you do not understand the difference."
"How about thinking, rather than the personal attacks?"
"Again, you resort to ridicule and false assertions."

Or your increasingly belittling statements to others?

"If you would have read the reference I provided"
"Hope this provides enough references to satisfy the reference police."
"What's most disgusting is that people even think this is a good thing"
"They laughed, as did I, at the suggestion that any generation station sells 
power at a net loss."
"This is both VERY scarry, and very far from fact."
"Absolutely clueless idiot arguments."
"Stop trolling Brent"
"Are you just biased, or ignorant?"
"Why are you so thin skined?"

Almost every time you post to this list, it ends up in a flame war and 
personal attacks.  A quick search on 
"site:http://www.nclug.org/pipermail/nclug/ John Bass" quickly allowed me to 
find the many past months where the same thing happened.


Everyone else here can, more-or-less, get along, but you are consistently in 
the middle of the flame-wars.

I for one, have no desire to see any more of your contributions to this list.


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