[NCLUG] Suggestions for a distro change

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Tue Apr 7 11:04:54 MDT 2009

On Tue, 07 Apr 2009 10:36:58 -0600
Yuri Csapo <ycsapo at mines.edu> wrote:

> dann frazier wrote:
> > 
> > And of course, there's the addage that you should pick the distro
> > that your friends/coworkers/etc run because that will make it
> > easier for them to help you :)
> > 
> Nah. That's what made RH popular in the first place. Not to mention
> Windows!

I'd disagree. Windows was made popular by it being the defacto distro
shipped on new machines. The vast majority of users will use that
because its there, no matter how easy it is to replace, it still takes
some effort. ;) 

I'd also say there are other reasons RHEL is/was popular. ;) 

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