[NCLUG] [OT?] Vimium on Chromium on FreeBSD

Chad Perrin perrin at apotheon.com
Fri Nov 5 10:45:34 MDT 2010

On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 09:57:33AM -0600, Bill Thorson wrote:
> What about ymacs instead?
>      http://www.ymacs.org/demo/

I think you misunderstand the purpose of browser extensions like
Vimperator and Vimium.  It is to have a vi-like browsing experience, and
not to have a vi implementation inside the browser.  For instance, both
Vimperator and Vimium allow me to:

* go forward and back through history with L and H, respectively

* scroll up and down the page with k and j, respectively

* close a tab with d, or reopen a closed tab with u

* use a "link hints" system to navigate to a link with three or fewer
  keystrokes (the first of which is f, or F if I want it opening in a new
  tab, and the next one or two of which select the specific link)

* reload the page with r, or ignore cache and reload with R

* exit the browser, saving all tabs, with :xall

* et cetera

Also . . . why would someone who's specifically talking about wanting a
vi-like experience want to use something that works like Emacs?  Don't
you know there's a *war* going on?

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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