[NCLUG] My vimrc.
Sean Reifschneider
jafo at tummy.com
Wed Sep 11 20:52:49 MDT 2013
Here are some of the things I do with my vimrc.
.vimrc Things
* set list listchars=tab:>-,trail:-
Show me tabs and trailing spaces in most cases (unless overridden).
This visually indicates them as things like ">----".
* set nrformats=alpha
This fixes the problem mentioned last night where incrementing a 07, say
in a date, cause it to go to 010 (octal 8). It will still allow you to
increment a single alpha letter.
* autocmd FileType c set tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=0 smarttab
noexpandtab nolist textwidth=0
If the file is detected as C code, I disable expanding tabs, and disable
the showing of tabs as ">--", etc...
* autocmd FileType html set indentexpr=
For HTML don't re-indent lines of code as I'm typing.
* autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile /tmp/tummyblog.*.md set spell tw=75 et ts=4
If I'm editing a blog entry, set up a special dictionary, expand tabs,
* autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile /etc/sudoers.tmp set textwidth=0
Don't wrap lines in the sudoers file.
* autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile /tmp/*.eml source $HOME/.vimrc-thunderbird
Read a special .vimrc when I edit a message in Thunderbird.
* set background=dark
Tweak the color scheme to work better on a terminal with a dark
* let mapleader = ","
Set the leader character to comma instead of backslash.
* Set macros for twiddling syntax, paste, and turn off search
nmap <silent> <leader>s :silent :set syntax=off<CR>
nmap <silent> <leader>S :silent :set syntax=on<CR>
nmap <silent> <leader>p :set paste<CR>
nmap <silent> <leader>P :set nopaste<CR>
nmap <silent> <leader>n :silent :nohlsearch<CR>
* nmap <silent> <leader>$ :%s/\s\+$<CR>
Remove trailing whitespace.
* set t_ti= t_te=
Do not change to an alternate terminal, so when I exit vi I still have
text I was editing on my screen.
* set modeline
Look in the first few and last lines of a file for a "vim:" line that
specifies file-specific editing parameters.
* set autoindent
Indent automatically when I start a new line, based on the code above
* set backspace=1
IIRC, this allows me to backspace over the beginning of a line, but only
up to the beginning of the current editing command.
* set directory=~/.vim-tmp
Put all my backup files under my home directory. This way, when my
system locks up, on reboot I have a cron job specified by "@reboot"
timespec, which renames this directory and makes a new one, so I don't
leave .swp files all over.
* set scrolloff=1
Leave a line of padding at the top and bottom of the window, so I an see
the next/prev line when working at the edges.
* set synmaxcol=600
Perform syntax highlighting on lines up to 600 characters long.
Otherwise syntax highlighting gets confused if you are editing files
with long lines.
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