Brett Johnson brett at hp.com
Mon Sep 16 17:07:37 MDT 2013

On 09/16/2013 03:19 PM, Jesse Griffin wrote:
> I believe you can do this with Profiles in gnome-terminal.  You can also do it
> with Profiles in terminator (Preferences > Profiles > Command > "Run a custom
> command instead of my shell").

Hmm, I don't see how to do this with profiles.  I see that gnome-terminal has the
"--tab-with-profile" option, which seems like it would be just the ticket, but it opens a
new window with every invocation.  I.e. if I create a new "testing" profile, then run:

    gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=testing -e "ssh foo at bar.com"

I get a new window, using the "testing" profile.  If I run it again, rather than a new tab
in that window as I'd expect, I get another window, identical to the previous one.  If I
pass two "--tab-with-profile" and two "-e" arguments, I get two tabs in the same window,
but I can't figure out how to open a new tab in an existing window from the command line.

Brett Johnson <brett at hp.com>
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
  ~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

On 09/16/2013 02:56 PM, Brett Johnson wrote:
>> On 09/10/2013 09:19 PM, Joshua Datko wrote:
>>> There was some discussion about terminal multiplexers.  Terminator was mentioned,
>>> which was new to me, as well as good old GNU Screen and Tmux.  I like using Byobu
>>> which works with either Screen / Tmux and provides some fancy window dressings.
>>> Terminator: http://www.tenshu.net/p/terminator.html
>>> I have a blog post about it here: http://datko.net/2013/07/06/byobu-fancy-window-dressings-on-gnu-screen/
>>> Or just go directly there: http://byobu.co/
>> Thanks for the pointers!  I hadn't heard of byobu before.
>> On a similar topic, I've been looking for a terminal emulator like terminator (or
>> gnome-terminal, for that matter), which can open a new tab in an existing window, while
>> executing a command in that new tab.
>> For example, say I want a new ssh session to the same machine I already have an ssh
>> session running to, and I want it to be a tab in the currently open window.  Currently,
>> with gnome-terminal, I can do this with "Shift+Ctrl+T", then type out "ssh -i
>> $PATH/$KEYNAME foo at bar.com".  But I'd really like to be able to script this, and put it in
>> a unity quicklist, or .desktop file, or dropdown menu, so it'd be something like
>> "gnome-terminal --inwindow=bar.com --newtab --execute="ssh -i $PATH/$KEYNAME foo at bar.com".
>> Any suggestions?
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