[NCLUG] Personal Linux Install Guide: Fedora 18

Bonnell Frost bfrost at skybeam.com
Fri Aug 14 11:44:27 MDT 2015

I have been following the User group for a while.  I am a 91 y/o BTL 
retiree, and I used Unix there.  I have been using Fedora versions 
lately, but my
last installation got clobbered, and I have not been able to get Fedora 
21 or 22 to install.   Suggestions, please.  I'm living in the Loveland 
good Sam village.
--Bonnell Frost

Maxwell Spangler wrote:
> In my Gnome 3 talk last month I mentioned an install guide which I use
> to take a generic Fedora 18 install and turn it into a customized
> workstation for my needs.
> Part of the process is "tuning" Gnome3's GnomeShell to work the way I
> want.
> This is documented in the install guide here:
> http://www.maxwellspangler.com/linux/install/fedora18.html
> You may enjoy reviewing all the content but Gnome3 specific content is
> in the sections
> Gnome Environment Settings
> and
> Gnome Shell Extensions
> I'll be updating this soon for Fedora 19 but many things should remain
> the same.
> Please let me know if you see any typos or have suggestions on how I can
> improve it.
> Thanks,

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