Note on rgrep/powershell/find topic from last night's meeting.

Bill Thorson bill at
Wed Jan 12 21:31:44 MST 2022

I do this find stuff daily!  Mostly because I don't know where I put 
something.  It sucks to get old!

On 1/12/22 9:22 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
> alan schmitz wrote:
>> That is great info, thank you!  One test I ran a long time ago wrt find is
>> the difference between:
>> find . -type f -exec grep notLklyToBeFnd {} \;
>> vs.
>> find . -type f | xargs grep notLklyToBeFnd
>> I'm not sure if it holds today, but when I ran it back then the xargs
>> version was much faster than the -exec.  Of course that was a very long
>> time ago.
> In the above find since \; is used it means that it will repeatedly
> execute grep once per file.  Conceptually it is similar to this with
> lots of grep invocations.
>      for file in $(find . -type f -print); do
>          grep $file
>      done
> But the xargs will spool up as many files as possible for one grep.
> The file I/O is the same but the process fork() & exec() is reduced to
> the minimum for the xargs case.  But there is that pipe where file
> names are passed as character I/O from process to process.
> Conceptually somewhat similar to this.
>      grep PATTERN $(find . -type f -print | while IFS= read -r file; do echo $file; done)
> That's why it is better to use + instead of \; as + invokes grep just
> once with as many args as possible.  It's doing exactly what xargs did
> but doing it completely internal to find.  Which saves not only the
> process creation time but also the pipe I/O writing from find into the
> pipe and reading from the pipe by xargs.  Since it is all in find now
> that character I/O between processes is no longer needed.
>      find . -type f -exec grep PATTERN {} +
> Conceptually it is similar to this following, but avoiding all
> problems of file whitespace and special characters.
>      grep PATTERN $(find . -type f -print)
> Why isn't + as well known as \; is?  Because + is *new* in the grand
> scheme of things.  It was introduced in 2005.  Or as I say, just the
> other day!  So if you learned how to use find before 2005 you learned
> the \; syntax.  But it's been 17 years now and -exec ... {} + is a
> POSIX standard that all finds must implement.  Most people entering
> the work force today never learned the old syntax.
> I will end with repeating the current best practice.
>      find . -type f -exec grep PATTERN {} +
> Bob

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