PowerShell article

Brian Grossman brian.grossman at gmail.com
Wed May 11 11:59:48 MDT 2022

Imagine bash friends with an option for more structure than arbitrarily
formatted text.  I would occasionally like an option to emit json from many
commands in order to avoid parsing.  As a poor example:

    tree -Jp -L 3 | jq -r '.. | objects | select( .type? == "file" ) |
.name | select( test( "[.]ini$" ))'

is kinda-sorta-almost equivalent to

    find -maxdepth 3 -type f -name \*.ini


On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 11:06 PM James DeWitt <dangerjim at gmail.com> wrote:

> Haha!  Maybe ask Matt for confirmation since he works for MS? :-)
> On Tue, May 10, 2022, 11:34 PM Bob Proulx <bob at proulx.com> wrote:
>> I am sending this out to the list and especially for Brian.  :-)
>> https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/10/jeffrey_snover_said_microsoft_demoted
>>     Jeffrey Snover claims Microsoft demoted him for inventing PowerShell
>> Bob
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