Tuesday January 14th, 2024 NCLUG Meeting
Evelyn Mitchell
efmphone at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 23:26:15 UTC 2025
Thanks for the recap Bob!
To clarify, my issue was related to ZFS + LUKS. I didn't save, or wasn't
offered the opportunity to save the ZFS recovery password in plain text,
when I set up my laptop, years ago. Then when I needed to do a recovery, I
was quickly in the weeds.
So, if you are running ZFS+LUKS, check to see if you have the ZFS rpool key
file in plain text.
Note, this is a very unusual setup, so I doubt there are more than a
handful of people running with both ZFS encryption and LUKS encryption.
I used my LUKS password daily, so I never forgot it, but had no idea there
was even a separate ZFS encryption key, let alone that I didn't have a
plaintext recovery file, until it was too late.
Entirely self inflicted, by being on the cutting edge of tech in open
I hope this helps,
On Tue, Jan 14, 2025, 7:29 PM Bob Proulx <bob at proulx.com> wrote:
> j dewitt wrote:
> > What: Tuesday January 14th, 2024 NCLUG Meeting
> I was late arriving to the meeting tonight while introductions were
> already in process. It was good to see two new faces in the group
> tonight!
> My own report today included that I have been fixing bugs in the GNU
> debbugs bug tracker. Some years ago someone on that system decided to
> redirect all of the output from cron jobs to /dev/null. Not a great
> solution! I removed that redirection assuming that I would get
> hammered with email from errant cronjobs. And I was right. Lots of
> email from */10 and */30 and other jobs. I have been slowly working
> through the errors. Pick one and chase it down to root cause and fix
> it. Then move to the next one.
> Alex won the recent CTF Capture The Flag challenge from NoCo Hackers!
> Yay! Alex gave us the story of the recent challenge.
> Morey talked about AI. Talked about espeak advancements. Remote
> access to his phone. The Fort Collins downtown visitors center. It's
> not really for visitors. It's a citizen's center. Basically
> community meeting space. Apparently no URL available?
> https://huggingface.co/
> Kyle demonstrated "pyspread". A python based spreadsheet. Mature
> spreadsheet. Python can be run in each cell.
> https://pyspread.gitlab.io/
> Evelyn told us a story of woe where through the course of events of
> having installed Ubuntu with LUKS there was an encryption event which
> left her machine encrypted and unable to decrypt it due to being
> unable to supply the correct decryption password. The moral being to
> be careful with fully encrypted systems because the data is truly
> inaccessible without the passphrase.
> James talked about his desktop project. Which is the top of a desk.
> Woodworking project. He is making an oak top for his desk. Somewhat
> of a long wood working project but the top is now looking lovely and
> soon it will be the top of his desk.
> David stood up and said that he has been Dew free for X days from his
> Mountain Dew addiction. Hahaha. Then a short tale of his current
> GNU/Linux adventures.
> Stephen had two topics. OpenZFS now has a new online raid capacity
> expansion. Playing with rclone. It's like rsync but does a bunch of
> additional features.
> Brian talked about file sync to onedrive using rclone. With the
> advantage of onedrive keeping its own versions which can act like a
> backup for that purpose.
> Morey talked about the performance increase moving to a WiFi-7 Access
> Point. He just upgraded and is getting 800 Mb/s across the wifi now.
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