anyone compile and install ZFS manually?

Phil Marsh microcraftx at
Mon Dec 4 04:47:31 UTC 2023

Hi Bob,
I can spare an "experimental" machine so I'll try it there first. I'd
really like to get DKMS working with the ZFS manual installation so I don't
have to muck with things everytime the kernel updates - at least until I
want to update ZFS yet again.
Might make a reasonable Linux group presentation if I can get success?
I'm really still quite a noob on these things but learning.
Thanks and best,

On Sun, Dec 3, 2023 at 2:54 PM Bob Proulx <bob at> wrote:

> > Basically, my question amounts to:
> > How do I install ZFS via manual compilation to get the latest version so
> > that I can use zfs-dkms or equivalent to automatically compile and
> install
> > kernel modules when the kernel is updated?
> First, I have no idea!  I haven't done it.  But to compile it from
> source I would think the Gentoo instructions might help.  Then combine
> that with the DKMS instructions.
> That information will probably need to be combined with compiling your
> own custom Ubuntu kernel.  In the long distant past I had troubles
> matching expected versions between modules and prebuilt kernels and
> found it easier to compile both.
> Again I haven't done it.  I don't know what problems will appear.  But
> not seeing anyone else jump in with something I thought I would
> contribute the above.  Little help though it might be.
> Bob
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