NCLUG Hacking Society Meeting Minutes

Sean Reifschneider jafo at
Tue Apr 30 23:02:12 MDT 2002

Sean Reifschneider:

Hacked the IRC server so that it wouldn't block multiple connections from a
single IP address (we were all connecting from behind a NAT this week).
Made an abstract for my NCLUG talk next week.  Watched some cute videos.
Spent most of the time working on the Northern Colorado Internet
Cooperative web-pages (

Evelyn Mitchell:

Mostly plunged through her e-mail.  Worked on a little PHP scripty thingy
that does fortunes.

Matt Taggart:

Sent out meeting announcement for NCLUG.  Submitting a bug-report related
to bind-mounting of file-systems.

Keith Cereal:

Worked on adapting a better codec into the fobbit VoIP code
to decrease it's network utilization from 10KB/sec down to 0.3KB/sec.

Gabriel Somlo:

Just messed with his firewall on a floppy adaptation.

William Terry:

Brought in a desktop machine and installed KRUD on it.  Yay!

Michael Lewis:

Answered a few e-mails for the Mandrake Newbie list.  "I guess there
are some people that know less than I do."  Worked more on getting his
job-board working.

 I like to be different, so I built a lowercase a-frame house.
                 -- Sean Reifschneider, 2000
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo at> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

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