[NCLUG] Jaunary Meeting MOVED

Craig, Mike Mike.Craig at us.gambro.com
Mon Dec 18 10:09:51 MST 2000

> > [...]
> Okay, I R'd TFJF and figured out what a LART is. Does anybody but
> Matt actually use this word? (Not arguing with its usefulness, just
> its popularity.) I've never heard it and I'm what Alice in Dilbert
> would call a bearded road apple.
Absolutely.   Anyone who is involved in spamfighting uses it constantly, in
several permutations.  It's not uncommon to find reference to megatonnage
LARTs in nanae, for instance.  (See also, mallet, as in spammer's nads. <g>
If anyone is interested, I have a link to a *very* funny gif related to

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