[NCLUG] Jaunary Meeting MOVED

Mike Loseke mike at verinet.com
Mon Dec 18 16:50:09 MST 2000

Thus spake S. Luke Jones:
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 09:34:09AM -0700, Matt Taggart wrote:
> > [...]
> > You can LART me at the next meeting.
> > [...]
> Okay, I R'd TFJF and figured out what a LART is. Does anybody but
> Matt actually use this word? (Not arguing with its usefulness, just
> its popularity.) I've never heard it and I'm what Alice in Dilbert
> would call a bearded road apple.

 Oh heck yeah. But I've not had to use it too often here.  In fact,
instead of the 25lb sledgehammer with the handle sawed off short (ISTR
a few nails through the handle as well) that I used to utilize for said
purposes, I now use a small spritz-bottle filled with water (they hope)
whith "USR B GONE" written in marker on it. Kind of like you'd use on
a pet to house-train them. They get kind of the same look on their face
when you spray them too - quite entertaining, and very effective as well.

   Mike Loseke    | ... Logically incoherent, semantically
 mike at verinet.com | incomprehensible, and legally ... impeccable!

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