dobbster dobbster at dobbster.com
Wed Feb 21 19:22:26 MST 2001

Matt Taggart wrote:

[snip] (monkey see, monkey do. :-)

> > "NPR is sponsored by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA assists
> > businesses in maintaining software license compliance..."
> [snip]
> >
> > For quite a while, I have also noticed that another of NPR's regular
> > sponsors is the "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation".  They always tack
> [snip]
> Two more reasons why NPR is the devil.

I am thinking of boycotting the program altogether.  But there aren't
many other options, when you are in your car in the late afternoon, that
I am aware of.

> > I think "All Things Considered" is generally perceived as a relatively
> > unbiased source of news, although I know some people claim consider
> > public radio to be "ultra-liberal".  It doesn't seem that way to me.
> They are perceived that way but it's far from the truth. Most of NPR's support
> comes from large multinational corporations like Dow, Dupont, Exxon, ADM and
> their content reflects it. In ways NPR is worse than CNN,etc. because they
> claim to be(and have a reputation of being) an unbiased source.

Indeed.  And as a "public" resource, also a non-profit organization. 
Like many so-called "NPOs", I don't buy it.


> > I admit that I tend to be pretty cynical about the media in general.  I
> > don't watch TV at all.  I do not trust cnn.com, since they are part of
> > the Time Warner super-corporation; nor do I trust msnbc.com, for similar
> > reasons.  On both sites, I've seen too many "top news stories" that seem
> > more like advertisements.
> Amen to that. And there's little coverage of things people actually care about.

And little coverage on issues that should seem relatively important. 
This seems true of all news sources; they all have basically the same
stories, most of which are irrelevant.  I know they all filter through
the AP and Reuters...


> IMHO, Independant Media Center( http://www.indymedia.org/ ) is very good. It
> sometimes lacks a little "polish" since it's mostly put together by
> volunteers. However a lot of people think it pretty radical left.


> For a critical analysis of the US Media read "Manufacturing Consent" by Edward
> Herman and Noam Chomsky. Most US Media is propaganda supporting US Foreign
> Policy and the Multinational Corporate agena.

I'll check both out.  Thanks!

Mark (dobbster at dobbster.com)

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