[NCLUG] Fwd: Re: What about linux users (KMM2921354C0KM)

Michael Dwyer mdwyer at sixthdimension.com
Mon Jun 25 11:26:35 MDT 2001

> I recently sent an email to chevrolet.com about there website not
> linux friendly and to my shock got a response.  I just want to make
> before I send mail back that no quicktime view exists for linux yet.

XAnim supports earlier Quicktimes -- qt3 and below, I believe.  However,
qt4 and qt5 are using the proprietary Sorenson encoder, and Apple won't
let Sorenson give the specs out to ANYONE.  Soooo, only the Quicktime
Player can play QuickTime4 and up, currently.  I would suggest MPEG as a
global platform.  Although, oddly XAnim handles MPEGs terribly....

> please no holy wars here about gmc vs honda.

Subaru.  :)  But then, I drove a 1981 Dodge Aries K-Car for far too
long.  I deserved it.

   Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station
   wagon full of tapes.
         -- Dr. Warren Jackson, Director, UTCS

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