[NCLUG] free monitors

Michael Dwyer mdwyer at sixthdimension.com
Tue Oct 23 15:26:29 MDT 2001

> I've been using SGI/Sun 19/20/21" monitors for years - they work great
> sure beat a tiny screen for aging eyes.

I have a Sun 20" Color monitor, of which I cannot recall the model
right now.  It is made by Hitachi.  I can /almost/ get it to sync,
but I'm really not sure what I'm doing with it, sooo...  For instance,
I have a 10w3 -> DB?? (VGA) adaptor, but it may not include the
sync voodoo that some FAQs mention.

I know this is a vast question, but... uh... how do /you/ get them
to work?

I was trying to sync a S3 ViRGE to it using XFree86.  It looks like
I got the vsync, but I was never able to stablize completly.

ObRealistic: I'll prolly just stick it on the SPARCstation and use
it as an XTerminal...  But it /would/ be nice to have another large

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