[NCLUG] Re: Mandrake firewall (M Butcher)

William Dan Terry william.terry at knotworks.com
Mon Jun 24 09:08:47 MDT 2002

> Message: 3
> Subject: Re: [NCLUG] Mandrake firewall
> From: M Butcher <mbutcher at aleph-null.tv>
> To: nclug at nclug.org
> Date: 21 Jun 2002 10:55:43 -0600
> Reply-To: nclug at nclug.org
> How far do you get in the booting process? Do you get past the
> bootloader?

On the floppy boot attempt a clear screen appears and then the words
like "SYSLINUX 1.48 Linux-Mandrake". Then a little hesitation and "Boot
failed" on the same line. That's it. Very clean fail, so it's got to be
something pretty fundamental.

Peace, William

How do we acquire wisdom along with all these shiny things? -David Brin

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