[NCLUG] CLUE-North Meeting Announcement, 19 September

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at itec-co.com
Sat Sep 14 12:10:19 MDT 2002

Thursday, 19 September 2002 at 7:00PM

Thinking of earning your Linux certification or want more to learn
more about Linux training and education?

Crawford Rainwater, CEO of the ITEC Company will discuss this topic during
the CLUE North main session.  Mr. Rainwater is a SAIR Linux and GNU
Linux Certified Professional.  He has been consulting in the information
technology field for the past eight years, with Linux being his main focus
for the past three.  He holds a Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Colorado.

Meeting location information:
Regis University, Adult Learning Center
3333 Regis Boulevard
Denver, CO 80221

Mapquest (pardon the long link):

To find the Adult Learning Center (which contains the Mountain View
meeting room):
After you get to the corner of Lowell and Regis Blvd (Regis Blvd is the
same as 52nd Ave), go north on Lowell past parking lot #3 and continue down
the hill to parking lot #4.  Turn east into parking lot #4 and find a
place to park.  Walk east to the Adult Learning Center.  The Adult Learning
Center is on the same level of ground as the parking lot.  Do not walk
uphill or downhill.  The meeting room is right inside the main doors to
the building.

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