[NCLUG] Linux Alternatives & Necessities for Home Use

dann frazier dannf at dannf.org
Tue Aug 16 16:50:53 MDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 16:32 -0600, Rich Young wrote:
> Dan wrote:
> > > I'm also wondering about anti-virus software.  Are there any
> free/open 
> > > virus protection apps you can recommend?
> > 
> > You're running linux, what more do you need? 
> Well, I know I'm facing a much friendlier internet when I get off the
> Windows bandwagon, but I'm sure *some* viruses/worms/etc. are written
> for linux/unix environments.  Mozilla-core browsers have security flaws,
> too....  
> Surely the FOSS world has some sort of package available to protect
> desktop linux machines from dimwitted end users surfing and reading
> email?  Because you have to choose between "desktop linux revolution"
> and "there are no dimwitted linux users" - you can't have a revolution
> without dimwits ;^)

Just keep your box up to date w/ security fixes, and if someone sends
you a linux binary and ask you to run it as root, you probably shouldn't
do that.

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