[NCLUG] Desire suggestions for college laptop

Kevin dlc at frii.com
Fri Jun 24 09:22:28 MDT 2005

Onyx wrote:
> Brian,
> Here is my opinion.  I hope it helps in making your decision about  
> which laptop you should buy for your daughter.
> Having flirted (and slept) with many operating systems (Windozzze [of  
> course!], FreeBSD, Linux, OS X, Solaris, etc.), but especially having  
> run the many flavors of Windozzze over my younger years, I have come  to 
> realize that the Mac (running under OS X!) is the far superior  choice 
> if you are going to spend money on a laptop with a  *commercial* 
> operating system.  Now, there are *many* reasons why I  have come to 
> Anyway, that is my two cents...
> Macs & OS X send all other commercial machines & operating systems  to 
> /dev/null.  Can I hear a 'Amen!'?


IMO, it is the best of both worlds, an established GUI based OS and a 
UNIX OS with cross compile compatibility.  AND it runs most of my legacy 
code for Mac as well.

another 2 cents,

>         ---> Onyx

Dennis Clark          TTT Enterprises

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