[NCLUG] Why not Root?

James DeWitt jdewitt at verinet.com
Sat Mar 17 13:48:43 MDT 2007

Hi David,

Here are a couple easy fixes.

On Saturday 17 March 2007 12:49:51 pm David Braley wrote:
> If a Linux machine is built and used by a single person, why not always
> log in as root?
> Oh sure, I have heard a million times from others say things like,
> "never log in as root because you could accidentally f**k up your
> system." From my experiences, I have COMPLETELY hosed a system executing
> a command as sudo.
> Others will say, "you do not want other users messing up your system."
> What if I am the only user?
> Is there a security reason for not logging in as root? Is the machine
> somehow less secure when someone is logged in as root?

Just imagine all the processes that run automatically as you. 
Some of them are browser plugins, etc.

> If a mis-behaving program run by a user is crashing, is the rest of the
> system somehow safe from the evil program?

Yes, safer than if the evil or compromised program were running as root.

> As a personal policy I do not use a computer for anything important. I
> do not store or create secrets on my computer. I am also quite
> comfortable with file loss (even though I do backups, mostly for
> convenience sake).

Oh, if you only knew the terrible secrets contained on my computer  ;-)

> I bring this up because I am basically a lazy user. I was happy sudo'ing
> into things for system administration before I moved over from
> MicroNovelSoft to Fedora. That's when the whole annoying user path thing
> started to get to me.
> david at linux:~> sudo ifup wlan0
> password: **********
> bash: ifup: command not found

This is easy to fix (but doing so makes your system more vulnerable).
In /etc/sudoers, make sure your entry is like this:

    david ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

> Oh ya, with Fedora I need to put the full path in.
> david at linux:~> sudo /sbin/ifup wlan0

Yes, this is a pain. By default, fedora excludes the sbins
from regular user PATHs, so sudo can't find things either.
I fix this in /etc/profile - just comment out the if/fi lines

    # Path manipulation
    #if [ "$EUID" = "0" ]; then
        pathmunge /sbin
        pathmunge /usr/sbin
        pathmunge /usr/local/sbin

> So ... in my case, why not just log in as root?

One reason I can think of off hand, is that /root gets erased by 
default when you reinstall the system (with Fedora, at least).  

Using a normal user login, you would usually have a separate 
/home partition which can be preserved and shared indefinitely.
So, it makes it much less trouble to save your personal and 
application configuration data over time.


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